ChatGPT Prompts to Drive HVACR Sales

Using ChatGPT to Drive HVACR Sales

ChatGPT was launched November 30, 2022, but went “mainstream” in Q1 2023 when Microsoft made a significant investment into OpenAI. Since then either “AI is going to take over”, “many will lose their jobs”, “it’s a great tool to use” or somewhere in-between.

Further, it amplified the conversation of “what is the opportunity / future” do to AI.

Over the past year there have been many articles and conferences talking about what could / is coming, how companies need a strategy, there is a need to “organize / clean / structure” data, and more that relates to “planning.” We’re starting to see some purpose-built tools that manufacturers and distributors can use.

Salespeople in general, and manufacturer reps / lighting agents specifically (for this article) are also talking about AI and experimenting as well as asking “what could be done.” Some reps have generated ideas. Others are asking their “ERP” providers about plans / roadmaps. Some have, some seemingly have blank stares.

Recently I saw a posting from Flowrms, an emerging rep ERP platform serving multiple industries, that shared some ChatGPT prompts that a salesperson … be they distributor, manufacturer, or manufacturer rep can use. It had nothing to do about their platform and everything to do with helping salespeople, so I reached out to Curtis Seare, the Founding Partner, for Flowrms, and asked him to expound on prompts that could be expressly for the HVACR industry. Below he shares some different applications and the specific prompts.

Exploring GPT-4o

OpenAI’s GPT-4o model is a cutting-edge advancement in AI technology, designed to revolutionize how we interact with machines. The “o” in GPT-4o stands for “omni,” indicating its ability to manage a wide range of tasks across various modalities—text, audio, and visual inputs—seamlessly and in real-time. This model operates at twice the speed of its predecessor, GPT-4, and offers improved multilingual support along with near-instantaneous processing and response capabilities.

For professionals in the HVACR industry, this means more efficient operations, quicker access to critical information, and the ability to manage complex systems with greater ease.

You can create a free account and start using GPT-4o today by visiting

GPT-4o in the Sales Workflow: Practical Prompts for HVACR Industry Experts

In this section, we’ll delve into three key areas where HVACR sales professionals can immediately harness GPT-4o to boost their sales effectiveness:

  • Product Customization and Specification Development
  • Customer Engagement and Retention Strategies
  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Solutions

Here are some example prompts you can use to enhance your sales process. For more prompts, check out “100 GPT-4o Prompts for Manufacturers and Reps”.

As you go through the prompts, notice the strategy of asking GPT-4o to conduct research and provide sources. This approach ensures the AI delivers up-to-date information and includes links to where the data was sourced.

Product Customization and Specification Development

HVACR professionals often need to tailor products to meet specific client requirements or develop detailed product specifications. These prompts focus on optimizing and customizing product offerings:

  1. “Create a list of customizable features for modern HVACR systems that can be tailored to different commercial building needs. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  2. “Generate a detailed product specification sheet for a new line of eco-friendly refrigerants suitable for industrial applications. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  3. “What are the key considerations when designing a custom HVACR solution for data centers? Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  4. “List the most requested HVACR system modifications in the past year and their associated benefits. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  5. “Develop a guide for clients on how to select the right HVACR system components for varying climate conditions. Please conduct research and provide sources.”

Here’s an example snippet of what you might get from the first prompt in this section on product customization:


Customer Engagement and Retention Strategies

Keeping customers engaged and ensuring their satisfaction over time is crucial in the HVACR industry. These prompts focus on building strong customer relationships and retention strategies:

  1. “What are the best practices for maintaining long-term relationships with large-scale commercial HVACR clients? Please tailor it to specifically HVACR. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  2. “Develop a customer satisfaction survey tailored to HVACR clients to identify areas for improvement. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  3. “Create a follow-up communication plan for clients after the installation of an HVACR system. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  4. “List the top 5 loyalty programs that could be implemented for HVACR service contracts. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  5. “Generate ideas for a client appreciation event focused on showcasing the latest HVACR technologies. Please conduct research and provide sources.”

Here’s an example snippet of what you might get from the first prompt in this section regarding customer engagement and retention:


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Solutions

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, HVACR professionals must stay informed about the latest energy-efficient technologies and solutions. These prompts help with exploring and presenting green solutions:

  1. “Summarize the latest advancements in energy-efficient HVACR systems that meet LEED certification standards. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  2. “What are the environmental benefits of using natural refrigerants in commercial HVACR systems? Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  3. “Develop a proposal for integrating solar thermal technology into HVACR systems for large commercial buildings. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  4. “List the top 3 energy-saving upgrades for existing HVACR systems in older buildings. Please conduct research and provide sources.”
  5. “Create a sustainability report template for clients using our green HVACR solutions. Please conduct research and provide sources.”

Here’s an example snippet of what you might get from the first prompt in this section to support energy efficiency:

HVACR ChatGPT Prompt #3

By using these prompts, you can unlock the potential of GPT-4o to support your sales initiatives. Always double-check any technical details or data provided by the AI, particularly when it comes to specialized industry knowledge. Use these prompts as a foundation and customize them as needed to match your specific products and client needs.

III. Beyond GPT-4o: Meet FlowBot

While GPT-4o provides significant value, the HVACR industry now has access to an AI solution designed specifically for its needs: FlowBot. This AI combines the powerful capabilities of GPT-4o with industry-specific features, working directly from your own data.

FlowBot is set to launch to all Flow users in Q3 of 2024. If you’re interested in trying it out or have questions, schedule a demo at or email Curtis Seare at

Thoughts on Using ChatGPT and AI

  • ChatGPT, and for that matter AI, is not going away. The sooner your team learns how to use the tool to its advantage, the better for you.
  • Suggestion – at an upcoming sales meeting, share the above prompts. Discuss the application and then set a “homework” assignment for your salespeople to research a market segment, prospects, or something.
  • Also use the product knowledge prompt with your customer service / inside sales team (and possibly outside sales). Do it based upon an application. Try it based upon a key line and perhaps a niche line. It may be 100% perfect but, then again, for those who are not experts in that line, it may generate ideas.
  • Distributors, reps, and manufacturers, as they begin their 2025 planning should:
    • Ideate AI-driven applications
      • Either identify an internal point person or, ideally, develop a small team to be the idea generators
        • And yes, a 3rd party perspective can be beneficial
    • Talk to current technology providers and ask, “what do you have, are developing, that is ‘AI-driven’ that we should be considering?”
      • And yes, we’ve spoken to some of the companies that have tools, so give us a call. We’re also putting together some research to inquire about usages and tools … and a white paper that will share findings as well as highlight companies. (if you’re interested in learning more, contact me)
    • Research purpose-built tools that they can implement / pilot
    • Budget some monies
      • Depending upon the application, it may not be much, or it could be a reasonable investment given the projected ROI based upon productivity benefits, new insights / services, and more.
    • Remember, AI is generative in nature. By this I mean, it will change. There will be many iterations. Develop your concept and anticipate doing 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, etc … there will be versions. Don’t lock in and think “one and done”.

Neither ChatGPT nor AI should be a crutch. It should be a productivity and information enhancer. Remember, not everything on the Internet may be accurate, especially for specific situations. But if it generates more information, quicker, and be accurate, could it help deliver answers faster? Help sales? Improve customer satisfaction?

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